Skiing in July, why not?

Skiing in July, why not?

Being on the west coast of the US, we never expect to be skiing in late April, much less beyond that.  We recently went to visit some friends in Bend, Oregon and there was a opportunity that we just could not pass up! Mt. Bachelor still had terrain to ski on! It was a must because, well, for one, I think we would be disowned by my wife’s father if we did not take this opportunity, and also, who wouldn’t want to ski in t-shirts and sweat pants? (Well, some people who were there chose swimwear and shorts)

The conditions were better than I expected. Yes, it was “mashed potatoes” , but it was really decent coverage up on the top part. When we finished out the skiing session, going to the bottom was a bit of a challenge as it was a snow cat’s width and clearly harvested snow, but I am not one to complain too much. It was interesting to ski on rental skis and boots for the first time in probably 19 years, but taking all our gear for just this would have been silly.  Still, I recommend that anyone who has such an opportunity, try it out. Just make sure you bring plenty of sun screen and don’t overdress.