Another solid family hill – Bretton Woods NH

Another solid family hill – Bretton Woods NH

Almost every year we take a week and go skiing in NH.  This was first made possible by a timeshare my in-laws picked up and chose to share with the rest of the family.  We pack us all in at a place called Mittersill Alpine Resort and ski all week long. I won’t get into that resort today, but I did want to talk about one of the places we tend to frequent while there called Bretton Woods.  It is the largest acreage for skiing in New Hamshire and it is also very good when it comes to terrain for the whole family.  While not as great for the beginners as King Pine which I talked about in another post, it is really great as soon as everyone is capable of at least the greens and a few of the easier blue trails.

It doesn’t have the steeps that many places do but it is a ton of fun for doing glades.  They have some really great open glade areas where you can run through the trees.  Some of it is tougher than others, but if you like to not just have groomers, (which they also have plenty of) you can get your fun in their glades.  With the addition of the Mount Stickney area they put in a few years back, you can have a ton of fun as long as the snow cooperates. My boys love to do the glades all day long.

They do a solid job of grooming and a decent job making snow but since they have a large area to cover they do need some help from mother nature each year. So, the really good stuff is is only available with better ski weather but we have never found it to be a truly bad day skiing there.

One of my favorite trails there (especially if there is some fresh snow) is Aggassiz. It is not a long trail and it is not steep but they don’t groom it so you end up with some nice, not too steep bumps. It lets you practice all the things you want to without wearing out the knees or yourself too badly. It is also a blast to go over to Rosebook glades.  Great place to start out the kids on skiing in the trees and there is also some challenging ones in that area as well.

Each year when we ski there, we take one of those mid-day ski times and put the boys in the ski school for the day. Nice part about doing it mid-week and not a vacation week is that they end up with a small or private lessons for something that is supposed to be a group lesson.  I can definitely say that each and every time we put them in, we got better skier back.  Not to mention, we had a really fun adult ski day and the kids really enjoyed their time with the instructors.

Anyway, if you get a chance, give them a try, I think you will enjoy it.